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Muju county council

Home > Introduction of county council > Chairman's greetings


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Chairman's greetings

Message from the Chair of Muju County Council,
Oh Kwang-seok:

With the warm interest and support of the residents, the 9th Muju County Council begins the second half of its term with great vigor.

Since its inauguration, the 9th Muju County Council has maximized its policy capabilities in response to the residents' demands for change and has driven the transformation of Muju County.

To become an institution the residents can rely on, we have always listened with an open mind and proposed alternatives from the residents' perspective. Moving forward, the Muju County Council will continue to breathe with the residents and envision the future together.

We will conduct productive legislative activities by thoroughly scrutinizing and constructively criticizing current issues, keeping a realistic yet forward-looking perspective.

We will maintain a warm gaze toward future generations of Muju and promote policies for children, adolescents, and youths. We will also ensure adequate consideration for women and the elderly, completing the welfare of Muju.

We hope that residents will actively participate in the genuine legislative activities of the Muju County Council, which prepares for tomorrow with new changes and shared governance. We will build a proud council as a pillar of local autonomy.

Thank you.