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Muju county council

Home > Function of the council > Management


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    The total annual meeting days of the council is within 90 days; the regular meeting held twice every year is within 40 days, and the session for temporary meeting, which is held by the request of the head of local autonomous agencies or of more than one-third of the members on the register is within 50 days.


A local council doesn't do its legislative activity throughout the year, but they work with a designated period; the act to get together at a certain place to exercise the council's proper function is called a convocation.

    The session is decided by the council's decision and its first regular meeting is held July 1 every year[excepting the year when a general election is held]; it second regular meeting is operated for 40 days starting November 25 and temporary meetings are held for less than 50 days. Annual total meeting days combined with temporary meeting days cannot exceed 90 days.

    In case of a temporary meeting, the chairman should call a meeting from the date when a request from a head of local autonomous agencies or more than one-third of the members on the register is made. Like this, in time of a request of an demand for assembly, chairman makes an assembly announcement five days prior to an assembly day, and then an assembly is made by notifying the whole members of it.

    In addition, a regular meeting is held only through an announcement process without any extra request of council assembly. With an assembly of the council members, the council's legislative work starts and the term during which a legislative work can be done is called a session.

    On the other hand, the general meeting is a highest decision making organ to determine the council's ideas. Before the meeting starts, the meeting procedures listed with the date and time for the meeting opening and presented matters as well as their order are distributed at a council members's seat; when more than one-third of the members on the register to meet a quorum attend, the meeting will start

    On the other hand, the general meeting is a highest decision making organ to determine the council's ideas. Before the meeting starts, the meeting procedures listed with the date and time for the meeting opening and presented matters as well as their order are distributed at a council members's seat; when more than one-third of the members on the register to meet a quorum attend, the meeting will start

    The first day marking the beginning of a session, there is a opening ceremony prior to a general meeting; usually a magistrate of a county and executive officer attend the opening ceremony

    After the proclamation of opening meeting followed by an opening ceremony, the chairman first reports matters each member has to know such as submission of proposal for bills or deliberation reports, then he starts to handle by putting forth items according to the order listed in the meeting procedure

    On the first day of a meeting, it is customarily carried out with relatively simple items such as opening ceremony, decision as to the terms of a session, election of a member in charge of signing minutes. As for the bill disposal process at a regular meeting, after items are put forward and proposers' explanations of their proposals or hearing a deliberation report from a committee on their preliminary examination, a bill proposal is decided by voting after the process of inquiries and responses as well as discussion.

    In case of inquiries, the committee head or a member who examined the proposal makes a supplementary explanation, and in other cases, a member who proposed or a member who explained a proposal makes an answer to the questions; the discussion process is carried out by the order of cons-pros and after discussion, a chairman proclaim voting along with a closure of discussion.

    Voting is a final stage of an item deliberation for deciding pros and cons by grasping ideas of "for" and "against" the proposal. there are a unanimous vote, standing vote, unsigned vote and signed vote in voting. In case there is a discussion against a proposal, most of general items are handled by standing vote; in case there is no discussion for and against a proposal, a unanimous vote as an "objection-or-not" manner is usually adopted.

    In addition, as for a voting method, in case voting happens at a general meeting by a chairman's proposal or a member's motion, the voting is proceeded with the method which the general meeting takes. Various elections in the council are done by unsigned voting unless there is a special regulation

    Excepting specific matters, voting on general items is done with the presence of half the members on the register and pros of more than half the members present; a chairman also has a voting right and if the voting results are the same on pros and cons, the bill is considered as being defeated.

    When daily agendas are all finished, the adjournment of a meeting is proclaimed after notifying the next meeting date and time.